
Arduino wire library internal register
Arduino wire library internal register

I'm still picking up and piecing together the fundamentals as I go. Wire.requestFrom(1, 8) // Ask slave#1 for 8 bytesīecause I just don't know better. Int readTASs = 0 // State variable for reading the button used to command i2c read Int clrWARNs = 0 // State variable for reading the button used to clear latched WARN pin #define readTAS 2 // button to read TAS6422 registers over i2c #define clrWARN 3 // button to clear WARN pin

arduino wire library internal register

: (I was using LED for debuging while a coworker was using my ftdi cable i was gonna use for serial monitor) #include Why does it say address = 0x21 but then says default is 0x00? Is that the bit settings 0x00? The other registers have other defaults, but I dont see how they correlate to 1's and 0's in binary. , figure 70 + table 33 says I should write bit 7 high. I don't know how to specify a 1 for the 7th bit. Wire.endTransmission() // end transmission Wire.write(byte(1000000)) // set bit 7 (clear WARN) high set bits low Wire.write(byte(0x21)) // register address This is the part of the code I'm having trouble with: Wire.beginTransmission(byte(0xD4)) // device address for writing

arduino wire library internal register

table 70 + figure 33 says I would want to write bit 7 high and all the others low. My first task is to clear the latched WARN pin by writing bit 7 high on register 0x21. The I2C address pins pulled low give me a write address of 0xD4 and read address of 0xD5.

Arduino wire library internal register